Thomas Florschuetz
Gotthard Graubner
Evelyn Hofer:
Melanie Manchot
François Morellet
Arnulf Rainer
Richard Serra
Lee Ufan
Peter Wegner
Galerie m
Evelyn Hofer
* 1922 Marburg (an der Lahn), Germany
† 2009 Mexico City

"What fascinates me concerning the works of Evelyn is that she portrays everything; it might be a tree, a human being, or even a chair. She always paints a portrait. She never considers things just like an object; the object becomes always a dramatic expression. She has a poetic and romantic approach, expressing a certain innocence; she is indeed a poet." (Richard Lindner)

more information under: Evelyn Hofer at Galerie m Bochum


Phoenix Park on a Sunday, Dublin, 1966
Girl with Bicycle, Dublin, 1966
Dye Transfer
40,5 x 50,5 cm / 50,5 x 40,5 cm

Oaxaca Jar with aubergine (Still life No. 2), New York, 1996
Dye Transfer, 50 x 60 cm

Villa Medici, Hall, Rom, 1982
Dye Transfer, 40,5 x 50,5 cm