Thomas Florschuetz
Gotthard Graubner:
Evelyn Hofer
Melanie Manchot
François Morellet
Arnulf Rainer
Richard Serra
Lee Ufan
Peter Wegner
Galerie m
Gotthard Graubner
* 1930 Erlbach (Vogtland), Germany
lives and works in Düsseldorf and at Insel Hombroich

With unerring consistency and impressive intensity Graubner allows color to become an autonomous force in his paintings, continually taking fresh approaches to exploring its qualities and its irrational power to influence us. Released from its servitude as a mere means of representing other things, color is a fundamental pictorial element in Graubner’s works, unfolding in manifold rich nuances a fascinating inner life that goes beyond the flat surface of the canvas, radiating out to create its own color space. In the course of his investigations, especially during the process of creating his object-like color space bodies, he becomes entangled deeper and deeper in an “adventure, [...] that never ends.” (Gotthard Graubner)

more information under: Gotthard Graubner at Galerie m Bochum


viridis, 2007
mixed media on canvas over synthetic padding over canvas,
ca. 124 x 104 x 10 cm

nanus, 2003/04,
mixed media on canvas over synthetic padding on canvas, 30 x 31 x 5 cm