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Melanie Manchot

Biografie von Melanie Manchot
* 1966 in Witten, lebt und arbeitet in London

1988-89 New York University, New York
1989-90 City University, London, England, MA in Arts & Education
1990-92 Royal College of Art, London, England, MFA in Photography

Melanie Manchot studierte an der New York University sowie am Royal College of Art in London. Sie arbeitet mit Fotografie, Film, Video und Ton. Partizipatorische und kollaborative Strategien sind zentrale Elemente ihrer künstlerischen Praxis, die sich oft an Schnittstellen von dokumentarischen und inszenierten Formen bewegt.
Einzelausstellungen u.a. am MAC VAL Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Paris, in der Whitechapel Gallery, London, sowie im Kunsthaus Pasquart Biel. Ihre Arbeiten sind in zahlreichen internationalen Sammlungen vertreten.

Melanie Manchots Website
Instagram: @melaniemanchot

Melanie Manchot
auf der Ausstellungseröffnung zu
LEAP after The Great Ecstasy
Galerie m Bochum, 2011

Stipendien & Preise
RPS Award and Honorary Fellowship
Shortlist des 10. Film London Jarman Award
Oriel Davies Price, Oriel Davies Open, Wales (cat)
British Council Travel Grant
Arts Coucil of England Grant
Welde Kunstpreis, Germany
St James Group Photography Prize (nomination)
ifa, Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen
British Council Award (Grants to Artists Scheme)
John Kobal Photographic Portrait Award
Arts for everyone Award, through the Arts Council of England
Chesterton Award
Fuji Award

Öffentliche Sammlungen
Stiftung Hamburger Kunstsammlungen
Sammlung Deutscher Bundestag
Sammlung Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
Arts Council Collection, England
Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art Collection, Brooklyn Museum, New York
Bucknell Art Gallery Collection, USA
DG Bank Collection, Germany
Joel & Sherry Mallin Collection, USA
Mead Collection, Warwickshire University , England
Unilever Collection, England
Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg
Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon, USA
FMAC (Fonds municipal d’art contemporain), Paris
National Skills Academy, Essex, UK

Gastdozentin an den folgenden ausgewählten Institutionen:
Goldsmith College, University of London, England
New York University, New York, USA
London College of Printing, England (MA & BA)
Royal College of Art, London, England
Central Saints Martin College of Art & Design,London, England
Middlesex University, London, England
The Architectural Association, London, England
Westminster University, London, England
Kent Institute of Art and Design, England
Lecturer Bournemouth & Poole College of Art and Design, England

Ausgewählte Einzelausstellungen
Filmvorführung: STEPHEN, The Exchange, Penzance, Cornwall
Filmpremiere: STEPHEN, Barbican Cinema, London
Dancing is the best revenge, in Kooperation mit Urbane Künste Ruhr, Märkisches Museum, Witten
Liquid Skin, ein Projekt von Urbane Künste Ruhr, Werk'Stadt, Witten
snowdance, Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, Schweiz
Mountainworks (Montafon), Inn situ, Innsbruck
Open Stage. Back Stage, Kunsthaus Centre d'art Pasquart, Biel, Switzerland
Dance (All Night, Paris) Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf, im Rahmen der internationalen tanzmesse nrw
Open Ended Now, MAC VAL, Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine
Dance (All Night, London), Art Night 2017, Exchange Square, Broadgate, London
11/18, Galerie m Bochum
People Places Propositions, Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne
Dance (All Night, Paris), Orangerie Herrenhausen, Hannover (KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen)
Twelve, Galerie m Bochum
Twelve, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester
Twelve, Peckham Platform, London
The Gift, Bloomberg SPACE, London
fig-2 | 37/50, The Studio, ICA, The Mall, London
Tracer, Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown, Wales
National Skills Academy, Essex, UK
Tracer, Woon Tai Jee Studio, BALTIC 39, Newcastle
Gathering, Fabrica, Brighton, UK
Leap after The Great Ecstasy, Galerie m Bochum
Celebration (Cyprus Street), The Whitechapel Gallery, London
KISS, Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris (Nuit Blanche)
May happyness knock you over, Brighton Museum & Fine Art Galleries, Brighton East Sussex, UK
Menschen und Orte, Kunstverein Konstanz, Germany
Shave, Biennale Venedig, New Forest Pavillion, Palazzo Zenobio, Italien
Shave, Galerie m Bochum, Germany
Security, Goff + Rosenthal, New York
Security, FRED, London, England
Moscow Girls und andere Geschichten, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Germany
Security, Lolita, Madrid, Spain
Stories from Russia, The Photographers Gallery, London, England
Moscow Girls, Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London, England
Love is a stranger, Leicester City Art Gallery, England
Phoenix Art Leicester, Public Video projection “For a moment a stage”, England
Melanie Manchot, The Tea Building, off site Rhodes + Mann project, London, England
Cornerhouse Manchester, England
Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland, Oregon, USA
Staedtische Galerie Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany
Norwich Arts Center, Norwich, England
Focalpoint Gallery, Southend, England
University of Illinois Art Gallery, USA
just one kiss?, Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London, England
Art Sway, New Forest, England
Fotogalerie in der Feuerwache, Mannheim, Germany
Intimate Distance, Ffotogallery, Cardiff, England
look at you loving me, Poster Project, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania, USA
travers, Galerie Siegert, Basel, Switzerland
Galerie Fiebig, Berlin, Germany
OUT, Poster Project, South Kensington, London, England
lifelines, The Bracknell Art Gallery, South Hill Park & Bonington Galleries, Nottingham
lifelines, Galerie Siegert, Basel, Switzerland
Behind the Screen, Public Art Project, York, England
look at you loving me, Zelda Cheatle Gallery, London, England (plus book launch)
Mater et Materia, Hartlepool Art Gallery, England
lifelines, The Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England
Well Cured, The Cut Gallery, London, England
Posta Restante, Arquivo Fotografico, Lisbon, Portugal
Galerie Augustus, Berlin, Germany
Cut Gallery, London, England
Watershed Media Centre, Bristol, England
Kunsthaus Mettmann, Duesseldorf, Germany
Photofusion Gallery, London, England

Ausgewählte Gruppenausstellungen
Isa Mona Lisa, Hamburger Kunsthalle
Die Stadt ist anderwo, Museum unter Tage, Bochum
B3 Biennale der Bewegten Bilder, Frankfurt
Slow Film Festival, London
STEPHEN in: Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, Glasgow
The future has an orange background, NotFor$ale, Spitalstraße 18, Basel
Entgrenzungen – von öffentlichen und privaten Sphären, Kallmann-Museum, Ismaning
Female Fame, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
Grenzfälle des Raumes, Galerie m
Honeymoon, Viborg Kunsthal
Folklore, Centre Pompidou, Metz
Made in Marl, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
Galerie m | 3. Mai 1969 - 3. Mai 2019
Le Baiser dans l'art de Rodin à nos jours, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Calais
Out of Bounds, Jarman Award Tour durch GB
Transient Space, Parafin, London
Standby, Orangerie Schloss Rheda und Werkstatt Bleichhäuschen Steinweg, Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Marler Medienkunst-Preise 2016, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
TWELVE, 68° Festival del film Locarno
Festival of the Unconscious, Freud Museum London
A Light shines in the Darkness, Touring Exhibtion, Kirchen in England
Work, Rest and Play. British Photography from 1960s to Today, Touring Exhibition (OCT Loft, Shenzhen, China)
Walking Sculpture 1967-2015, deCordova. Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA
Video Studio V: The Rhythm is ... Zeitliche Muster im Bewegten Bild, Museum Folkwang, Essen
/seconds, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah
Walk On. From Richard Long to Janet Cardiff - 40 years of Art Walking, Plymouth Arts Centre
Paris champ & hors champ. Photographies et vidéos contemporaines, Galerie des bibliothèques de la Ville de Paris
When the grid goes soft, MOTInternational, London
UHF 42, Wattan.TV, Ramallah, Palästina
in: "It's all about the river", Cargreen, Landulph Memorial Hall
Videonale.14 Festival For Contemporary Video Art, Auditorium im Kunstmuseum Bonn
Toronto Photography Festival
Situation(s) [48°47’34’’ N / 2°23’14’’ E], Musée Mac/Val, Paris
Oriel Davies Open
Play it again, Sam, Galerie m Bochum
Sex Drive, Haverford College, Pennsylvania
13. Videonale, Kunstmuseum Bonn
Videonale, BWA Contemporary Art Gallery, Katowice, Polen
Videonale 13, GoMA, Glasgow Centre of Contemporary Art, Glasgow, UK
Nuit Blanche, Paris
No Neutral Ground, Deutsche Botschaft, London, UK
Wunder, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
Journeys with no return, The A Foundation, London, England
Peeping Tom, Vegas Gallery, London, England
Do you see me?/Siehst Du mich?, Galerie m Bochum,
Die Ausstellung ist Bestandteil von next 1 – discussing photography, ein Projekt der Kulturhauptstadt Europas RUHR.2010
Journeys with no return, Galerie Nord, Kunstverein Tiergarten zur 6. Biennale, Berlin
Fight und Spat: Impakt Festival 2010 Matrix City, Utrecht
Desaturated - British Film and Video Art, New Centre for Arts and Culture, Bangkok
Insomniac Promenades, Petach Tikva Museum of Contemporary Art, Israel
Vollendete Zukunft, Galerie Parterre, Berlin
The Kiss of a Lifetime, Roque Project Space, Manchester
Nuit blanche, Paris
Thessaloniki Biennale 2: Art in Times of Uncertainly, Thessaloniki
Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Deutschland und China, Wuhan Museum of Fine Arts, VR China
Journey with no return, Akbank, Istanbul, Turkey
Gleichheit - Równosc, Galeria Programm, Warschau, Polen
Promenades Insomniaques - Schlafen und Träumen in zeitgenössischer Kunst, Passage de Retz, Paris
Global Feminisms , Brooklyn Art Museum, New York
My Vision, Reiss Engelhorn Museum, Mannheim
Eine Frage (nach) der Geste, Fotohof, Salzburg
Shave, Biennale Venedig, New Forest Pavillon, Italien
Portraits - The view behind the mask, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt, Germany
Territories of Freedom, Moscow Centre For the Arts, Russia
1+1=3: Collaborations in Recent British Portraiture, Fotofreo Festival of Photography, Fremantle, Australia
European Media Arts Festival, Kunsthalle Osnabruck, Germany
Anstoss Berlin - Kunst macht Welt, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin
Summertime, Galerie m Bochum, Germany
Animalcity, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany
Bulgaria Bienale, Shumen, Bulgaria
Rohkunstbau: Three Colours-Blue, Schloss Gross Leuthen, Brandenburg, Germany
Urp! Dieci posizioni tra pubblico e privato, Assessorato alla Pubblica Istruzione della Regione, Kuratiert von Giuliana Altea und Mark Gisbourne, Cagliardi, Sardinien, Italien
First Moscow Biennale, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
Art Digital. M'Ars Gallery, Mosco, Russia
Detroit International Film + Video Festival, The Museum of New Art, Detroit, USA
After Dark. Film + Video Festival, Custard Factory, Birmingham
Appearance, Whitehall Waterfront, Leeds, England
Anonyme Portraits, Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna, Austria
Naked, The Academy of the West of England, Bristol, England
moving images, tank.tv, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, England
Arte et Naturaleza, Jardin Botanico, Bogota, Colombia
Influence, Anxiety and Gratitude, MIT List Visual Art Centre, Boston, USA
Furtive Gaze, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, USA
Bid, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland, Oregon, USA
Of Bodies and other Things. German Photography in the 20th Century, City Gallery, Prague, Chech Republic.
Touring to Deutsches Museum, Berlin/ Museum
Bochum, Germany/House of Photography, Moscow, Russia
Trigger Happy, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, England
East Wing, Courtauld Institute, London, England
Intimacy, The Russel Coates Museum & Art Gallery, Bournmouth, England
Odalisque, Mafuji Gallery, London, England
Welde Kunstpreis, Kunstverein Schwetzingen, Germany
Frauen, Fotogalerie Wien, Austria
St James Group Ltd Photography Prize, Flowers East Gallery, London
Over Time, Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London
Something happened, Hasselblad Centre, Goteburg, Sweden
Don't go to work, Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London, England
Love me/Love me, Galerie La Peripherie, Paris, France
Video Umbrella, Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery, England
Adorn/Equip, Leicester City Art Gallery + Oriel 31, Wales + Bradford Industrial Museum +
Rugby Museum & Art Gallery + London Institute Gallery
Spaete Freiheiten, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zurich, Switzerland
The Insanity Benefit, Vilma Gold, London, England
Mommy Dearest, Gimpel Fils, London, England
Fusion, Rhodes + Mann Gallery, London, England
Crossing Place, Bucknell Art Gallery, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
The Whitechapel Open, London, England
The Ugly Show, Leeds Metropolitan Museum + touring
The Century of the Body, Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal & Musee de l' Elysee, Lausanne, Switzerland
Spaete Freiheiten, Historisches Museum Bielefeld, Germany
Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg & Siemens Kulturforum, Muenchen, Germany
Caren Golden Gallery, New York, USA
Mauvais Genre, Mais de Reims, Reims, France
John Kobal Photographic Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh + tour
We don't talk about it, Zelda Cheatle Gallery, London, England
Outpost, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
John Kobal Photographic Portrait Award, National Gallery, London, England
The South Bank Photo Show, Royal Festival Hall, London, England
Royal College of Art, London, England
Treading a fine line, Zelda Cheatle Gallery, London, England (plus touring)

London and the City as a Stage, GSK Contemporary, London 2006
Photography Now: The Portait, Tate Modern
Performance, Gender + Identity, Tate Modern Symposium
Photography in the 90s, Tate Britain Conference
The Oxford Brookes Photography Colloquium, paper on performative portraiture
ICA, What is beauty, artists presentation and panel discussion with Alain de Botton, Howard Caygil and John Armstrong

Dancing is the best revenge, Märkisches Museum Witten, 2023. Ausstellungsrezension von Claudia Posca in KUNSTFORUM International (290), Köln 2023
Open Ended Now, MAC VAL, Ausstellungskatalog 2018
100, Hrsg.: Bergbahnen Engelberg Titlis, Edition: 5000 dt./2.000 engl.
Moscow Girls + Other Stories, Haus am Waldsee,
exhibition catalogue, Berlin, Germany, 2006.
Art Photography Now, Susan Bright, Thames + Hudson, England, 2005.
The Portrait Now, Sandy Nairne, National Portrait Gallery Publications,
London, England, 2006.
The Photograph as contemporary Art, Charlotte Cotton,
Thames + Hudson, England, 2004.
Five, The Labyrinth of the Gaze, edited by Gavin Turk, England, 2004.
Miser Now, inaugural issue, Keith Talent Gallery, England, 2004.
Von Koerpern und anderen Dingen. Deutsche Fotografie im 20. Jahrhunder,
Klaus Honnef & Gabriele Honnef-Harling, Edition Braus, 2003.
Der imperfekte Mensch, Boehlau Verlag, Edited by Petra Lutz, Thomas Macho,
Gisela Staupe, Heike Zirden, Germany 2003.
For a moment, a stage, Public Art Leicester, with a text by Chris Townsend, 2003.
Breast, Maura Spiegel & Lithe Sebesta, Workman Publishing Company, USA, 2002.
Frauen, Fotogalerie Wien, Fotobuch Nr. 29/2002.
Prestel Lexikon der Fotografen, Reinhold Misselbeck,
Prestel Verlag, Germany, 2002.
Love is a stranger, Monograph, Prestel Verlag, Muenchen, Germany, 2001.
The Century of the Body, William Ewing, Thames & Hudson, London 2000.
Ist die Photographie am Ende, mdv Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2000.
The Saatchi Gift, Hayward Gallery Publishing, 2000.
Spaete Freiheiten, Prestel Verlag, Muenchen, Germany, 1999.
Love and Desire, William Ewing, Thames & Hudson, England, 1999.
The Saatchi Decade, Young British Art from the Saatchi Collection, 1999.
Public Sightings, Cornerhouse Publications, England, 1999.
look at you loving me, Monograph, Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag,
Basel, Switzerland, 1998.
Seeing Ourselves, Women Self portraiture, Franzes Borzello,
Thames & Hudson, 1998.
Vile Bodies, Prestel Verlag, Muenchen, Germany, 1998.