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Milkyway, 2011/12
41 Paintings
Oil on canvas
different sizes

In this series, Dorn focuses on “gazing at the sky,” as she herself puts it, and which the title also hints at. Multiple shapes in vibrant colors sprawl across each canvas. Geometric or amorphous forms stand out in a kind of close-up against a monochrome ground – sometimes piling up to form structures. In most cases they are arranged on surfaces that recall landscape silhouettes, while at other times they seem to float in the pictorial space or firmament. Some of these forms summon immediate associations with trees, clouds or the sun, but others remain ambiguous and enigmatic.

Exhibition at Galerie m, 2013
Exhibition view
Galerie m, 2013

Exhibition view
Galerie m, 2013

Oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Ohne Titel N°30, 2012, 220 x 180 cm, Öl auf Leinwand | Ohne Titel N°28, 2012, 220 x 180 cm, Öl auf Leinwand

Oil on wood, each 30 x 40 cm